On her way to her new home - I picked out a "coming home" bow for her! |
Maggie’s first 24 hours were filled with lots of hugs, kisses, exploring, naps, potty training, and playing! She was a little timid at first and cautiously explored her surroundings. Within an hour she ate, drank, and of course had her first (of many) accidents! It’s been a challenge to decipher if she is sniffing to explore or to go potty. I caught her going pee once and was able to grab her and run outside… just like How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With suggests. I need to get my husband to read it because he believes they can be corrected with a tap on the nose. The book even comments on how that is NOT effective. I’ve already improved my “NO!” making sure she doesn’t chew on certain things. You think you have the house ready for a puppy and sure enough they still find something else I didn’t think of!
One highlight from the day was when Maggie going out to poop for the first time in the grass. While she was still going poop, the sprinkler system turned on and she didn’t know what to do. My husband picked her up and she finished pooping on him! My Mom, his Mom and sister all got a great laugh out of it. I had to leave for work after having her home for a few hours - that was hard! I called a few times to check on them and Joe sent me pictures throughout the night. I came home to both Joe and Maggie passed out in the living room. I took Maggie out close to 1am before going to bed (got home from work late). Then the little stinker was like clock-work, waking me up at 2:30, 4:30, and 6:30am to go potty outside (no barking, just little soft, sweet squeaks!) She did AWESOME peeing in the grass and I rewarded her with training treats that were recommended to me from Chuck and Don’s (cool store!). Maggie LOVES them! She seems so proud of herself when she goes pee… And I’m proud, too! I’m glad Maggie takes plenty of naps -- I will be joining her! It was hard to resist the urge to not want to pull her in to bed with us in the middle of the night… It’s so easy to do but I know in the long run it will be better for her to get acquainted with her bed.
Pooped out and all tucked in! |
Another cute story - she was playing chase with her mini pink tennis balls I got her. It rolled in front of a mirror and she just froze when she saw her reflection! She didn’t know what to do -- I couldn’t help but laugh at her!! She loves playing with her toys in this one specific spot in our living room -- I don’t know what it is about that spot!
Her favorite toy of the hour... and of course she's in her favorite spot! |
During one of her morning naps today she was wagging her tail in her sleep - She must have been dreaming about something good! Joe already has her “trained” to roll over for belly rubs! I’ve noticed when she gets nervous or scared about something she crawls up by your shoulders and nestles in… it’s like she’s hugging you tight! Family and friends are making their visits. I’m glad she is getting acquainted with them now as I’ll need their help watching her on the days I’m at work and Joe is out of town. My next goal is to figure out an eating routine for her, which will help with her potty training schedule.
We will be taking her to River Valley for her first appointment on Friday with Dr. Cindy Sellin. We can’t wait for Maggie to meet everyone in the office! I’m hoping to get her in puppy school at the end of June - we’ll have to make sure there are spots left and I’ll have to try to get my work schedule rearranged. See you all soon!
She loves her bone! |